Electromagnetic spectrum-2

 Author Rajakani

Electromagnetic spectrum continuation....

Visible Spectrum

We are all see and enjoy colors from our day to day life. Human eye has some limitation to sense particular wavelength of electromagnetic spectrum, those are all we call as "visible light". 

sun is the main natural source light up the world. Here, dispersion of light get VIBGYOR colors which means shorter wavelength to longer wavelength 3000-7000 Armstrong.

oh ok how other colors are form like brown, black, pink etc.

In White light formation was depend on Primary colors like RGB model. RGB model is nothing Red, Green, Blue . combination of these 3 colors to form a white light. 

its fully depends on light intensity if you have high intensity light of these 3 colors to form white light. sadly, if you do it in home with these 3 color crayons you get dark color only. because, proper mixture of these 3 colors only you get white.

these RGB model was worked in most of day to day application. Television, computers, laptop, smart phones, digital cameras  all are based on this RGB model.

ok how the other secondary colors are formed?

Secondary colors are combination of different ratios of primary colors.

Picture Credit: Colorsmatters.com

UV rays

This sun is so bad at summer but now after 2 month still irradiate more amount of heat😭. I was scared step out from home😩 really it is a bad day.😢😢

Ok.. I will call to power puff girl... (Phone is ringing....) Hello powerpuff I need your help sun burst my skin help me.. ok I am coming ..
She come here...💫💫😃

Now this sun is planning to burst her skin also 🤯🤯.. Sun has a weapon it's call UV rays..

What is UV ray?
It is an small portion of electromagnetic spectrum.. it has 3 types UVA(320-400 nm)
UVB (290 - 320 nm)
UV C (290-100 nm)
Ok... How sun used it as a weapon?
What powerpuff girl 👥do?

power puff girl called her friends, they come with super duper tool called Sunscreen.
Oh what's the purpose of Sun screen?
❤️ Sunscreen is designed to protect us from UV radiation from the sun;🌞
❤️Among 3 types of UV, UVA & UVB, which can cause damage to skin. UVC isn’t a problem, as it’s absorbed by ozone in the atmosphere before it can reach the Earth’s surface. 
Did you know?
UVB (wavelength ~290-320nm) is responsible for around 5% of the UV radiation reaching Earth,😩It causes your skin to produce more melanin, which is what causes the tanning effect of sitting in the sun. However, it can also cause sunburn, and direct DNA damage even skin cancer.

➡️UVA (wavelength ~320-400nm) is responsible for the largest proportion of the UV radiation from the sun that reaches the Earth’s surface – approximately 95%. UVA can penetrate much deeper into the skin than UVB, down into the connective tissue. This causes wrinkling and premature ageing of the skin.
😑😑It a serious effect how to prevent from UV rays? How Sun screen work?
❤️The inorganic metal oxide sunscreens titanium dioxide and zinc oxide have been considered to protect against sunburning ultraviolet radiation by physically reflecting/scattering the incident photons and thus protecting the skin.

UV rays in hospital operation theatre

Uses of UV rays. UV rays systems is becoming morehealthcare facilities for disinfecting patient and operating rooms.  
💜Naturally, UV-C which is a short wave light and completely absorbed by the ozone layer.  
💫Modern science has been able to create UV-C lighting that are able to penetrate the cell wall of microorganisms.
It will helps to disinfect and Sterilization microorganisms in hospital room.
Viable technology.

UV rays in food industry

UV rays Specially short wavelength UVC used in food industry for sterlization of food and bevarage.
💜Ultraviolet (UV) Lamps are shortwave, low-pressure tubes that produce ultraviolet wavelengths lethal to microorganisms like bacteria, mold, virus, and algae. It’s a non-chemical approach to disinfection that is cleaner, faster, and more effective than other methods. It effectively reduces (and even deactivates) deadly pathogens.

Did you know?
Ultraviolet has been used for years to disinfect and sanitize drinking water, wastewater, air, and food contact surfaces—and was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the “cold pasteurization” of juice. It’s also a fast method, treating 4,000 liters of juice in only 24 seconds.

UV treatment

Ultraviolet (UV) light is the part of sunlight that causes sunburn and skin cancer. Phototherapy uses UV light to kill cancer cells in the skin. This is a useful treatment for some people with skin lymphomas that aren’t very thick.

Two kinds of UV light – ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) – can be used to treat skin lymphoma. Both UVA and UVB treatments are given with special fluorescent lamps like those used in tanning salons. But the light used for treatment is carefully controlled so your doctor knows exactly which wavelength and dose of light you are getting to minimize the risk of burns. Treatments are given several times a week.

When UVA is used, it is combined with drugs called psoralens. This combination is referred to as PUVA. Psoralens are given as a pill about 2 hours before the treatment. The drug travels through the blood to reach cells throughout the body (including cells of skin lymphoma). When these cells are then exposed to UVA light, the drug is activated, killing them. Psoralens can cause some nausea. They can also make the skin and eyes very sensitive to sunlight (increasing the risk of severe skin burns and cataracts), so it is important to protect yourself from sunlight as much as possible in the days after treatment.

UVB is given without any extra medicines, and is generally used for thinner skin lesions.

Just like the UV light in sunlight, these treatments can cause sunburn and may raise the risk of skin cancer later in life, so doctors try to avoid giving too much UV light.
Stay tune for more fun....


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Electromagnetic Spectrum-1

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