"And God Said, Let there be light: and there was light" -Maxwell equation

And God Said, Let there be light: and there was light 

Maxwell equation for ligtht
Genesis 1 verses 3 says like that mystery of formation of light, behavior also unknown upto 18th century. It was a century more scientist across the world revealed the knots with the help of Physics.
Scott scientist(1831-1879)
James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) Scottish Scientist worked on mathematics and Physics.His novel work was putting together the electricity, magnetism to bring up "Classical theory of electromagnetism". Maxwell equation paved a new concept of electromagnetism scientist valued his unified theory as "Second Unification in Physics" after Issac Newton.

History of electromagnetic radiation
Four modern equation were describe the light as an electromagnetic radiation. But at first in end of 17th and beginning of 18th century no one know how the light forms. 
Coulomb explained his electrostatics with his law. research on electrostatic field were developed. In 1825, Ampere explained his law with Michael Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction experimentally. he explained that was "line force" of electromagnetic induction. In 1834, Lenz explain that was direction of electromagnetic induction. volta discovered the first battery .
Hans Chirstian Orsted revealed the first evidence relationship between electricity and magnetism.with the help of compass would move when brought close to the current passing wire. 
lot of controversy were  obtained between scientist Maxwell's work were get ride this.
 Maxwell published his work between 1850 to 1870.In 1850, Maxwell working in University of Cambridge and he was impressed by Faraday's lines of force concept. he published his first paper of electromagnetism based on Faraday's lines of force. He tried to use the analogy of incompressable fluid flow to the magnetic lines of forces. Later, Maxwell moved to King's College London and came in regular contact with Faraday. From 1861-1862, Maxwell published a series of 4 papers under the title of On Physical Lines of ForceIn these papers, he used mechanical models, such as rotating vortex tubes, to model the electromagnetic field. He also modeled the vacuum as a kind of insulating elastic medium to account for the stress of the magnetic lines of force given by Faraday. These works had already laid the basis of the formulation of the Maxwell's equations. Moreover, the 1862 paper already derived the speed of light c from the expression of the velocity of the electromagnetic wave in relation to the vacuum constants. The final form of Maxwell's equations was published in 1865 A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field,  in which the theory is formulated in strictly mathematical form. In 1873, Maxwell published A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism as a summary of his work on the electromagnetism. In summary, Maxwell's equations successfully unified the light and electromagnetism which is one of the great unifications in physics.

Later, Oliver Heaviside studied Maxwell's A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism and employed vector calculus to synthesize Maxwell's over 20 equations into the four recognizable ones which modern physicists use. Maxwell's equations also inspired Albert Einstein in developing the theory of special relativity.

Mans Continuous hard work, gave a fruitful results his name was in history



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