"On A New kind of rays"_birth of X-Ray

Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen - German Mechanical Engineer&Physicist. In 8 Nov 1895, Rontgen discovered a new kind of ray named "x-ray" or "Rontgen ray".In 1901,he won prize in Physics to discover new electromagnetic radiation in shorter wavelength which has been breakthrough in medical field diagnosis radiology. Discovery of X-ray In 1888, He was Physics chair in University of wurzberg, his family was in lowa US he decided to emigrate also accept an appointment at Columbia University, before the outbreak of World war 1 changed his plan. One Friday, in 1895 he was working in his laboratory at University of Wurzberg, Röntgen was investigating the external effects from the various types of vacuum tube equipment—apparatuses from Heinrich Hertz, Johann Hittorf, William Crookes, Nikola Tesla and Philipp von lenard - when electrical discharge is passed through them. 👨🏼🔬He repeated his experiment with one of Lenard's tubes in which a thin alumi...