Electromagnetic spectrum-2

Author Rajakani Electromagnetic spectrum continuation.... Previous post about EMspectrum Visible Spectrum We are all see and enjoy colors from our day to day life. Human eye has some limitation to sense particular wavelength of electromagnetic spectrum, those are all we call as "visible light". sun is the main natural source light up the world. Here, dispersion of light get VIBGYOR colors which means shorter wavelength to longer wavelength 3000-7000 Armstrong. oh ok how other colors are form like brown, black, pink etc. I n White light formation was depend on Primary colors like RGB model. RGB model is nothing Red, Green, Blue . combination of these 3 colors to form a white light. its fully depends on light intensity if you have high intensity light of these 3 colors to form white light. sadly, if you do it in home with these 3 color crayons you get dark color only. because, proper mixture of these 3 colors only you get white. these RGB model was worked in most of day ...